Our films almost always rely on a visceral moment to capture an audience’s attention and to relate the message we’re trying to get across. Usually we achieve this through comedy, but for this project that wasn’t an option. It didn’t match the culture within the company. But we still believed in that visceral moment, and we realised that to achieve it in this case, we had to move the audience emotionally. In order to do so we had to be absolutely authentic. That was our watchword for the entire process.
We researched common security breach stories and based the scenarios on them. We didn’t have a “script” in the traditional sense, but rather hired fantastic actors who could tell the stories in their own characters’ words. We weaved flashbacks in to those stories to show the lives of those characters and connect the audience to them. Not vilifying the characters, but showing them as real people, behaving just as the audience might. Because sometimes, security mistakes are scarily easy to make.